We recently went to Arizona to visit Brad's family for Thanksgiving. We had a great time while we were there, and got to see some extended family that we hadn't seen for a few years.
I was lazy and didn't take very many pictures, but thankfully Stacey, my sister-in-law, took some and emailed them to me. Thanks Stacey for some great pictures.

Addison loved playing with her cousin Cooper (15 months). Last time we were in Arizona, she had a hard time sharing and was kind of mean to him, but was better this time around.
Addison with cousins Cooper and Camden (8 years)
Addison loved spending her time with Grandma Nielsen
Phoenix Zoo (Addison was sick with the 12 hour bug that day and puked at least 5 times, poor thing)
Mesa Temple Christmas lights with Brad's parents
what a cute belly!
looks like you guys had a good time. weather great enough for the zoo---nice! There are 8 inches of snow on the ground, here---SAD!
poor addison, sick on vacation. No fun!
I miss you!!!!
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