Thursday, December 11, 2008

27 weeks and a new look

Ok, I am 27 weeks pregnant now, and am definately feeling it. I took these pictures on my own with the timer on our camera, so they didn't turn out that great. The one that is up close kind of cut the top of my head off.
Also, I got a new haircut yesterday and am pretty pleased with how it turned out. I am in great need of a highlight, but the salon was so booked I was lucky to even get an appointment for a cut, so I will have to wait until next month for the highlight.

Addison had such a blast watching me try to take a picture of myself, that she wanted to pose for a picture too. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

That is too cute. You are TINY!

banananutmeg said...

Looking at your pictures reminds me of how bad I need a new haircut!

twhalliday said...

your hair looks great and im embrassed to come around you because ill look FAT.... i have picture that i took of my self today. ill have to post them on my blog so you can see

Billy and Amanda Cole said...

You are such a cute pregnant girl! I'll have to get some pictures up soon of me. I've finally started to show and I am excited about it. I'm sure I will change my mind soon enough.

Karla said...

Cute. Love the cute. Your family Christmas card was so adorable.

Kobi said...

You are carrying high! Were you that high with Addison? You look so cute.