I had my 20 week ultrasound today, and are pleased to announce that we are going to have a baby girl! I had mixed feelings up until today about what it was going to be. At first I was convinced it was going to be a girl, but then for the past couple of weeks I started to think it was a boy because this pregnancy has been very different then with Addison. Brad knew all along that it was going to be a girl. We are both excited, and are gearing Addison up to be a big sister. It will be fun having 2 girls together, I just hope Brad is ready for tea parties and princess dresses for another few years.
yay! Girls are great! How fun for Addison to have a sister! Congrats guys!
I'm so excited for you!! That is going to be so much fun for you having two little girls. Brad will do great with two girls.
We are very excited to have babies so close together. It is going to be a fun time.
Oh congratulations!!! Well you guys make adorable girls:) That is so exciting... HOw are you feeling?
To answer your question, I got Ethan costume at Old Navy. I was a great deal too.
Yay! I'm sure Addison will love having a little sister. Especially when they are older.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are so excited for you guys.
I am so excited you guys are having another girl!! IF you haven't heard we are having a girl too. It is a girl year!!
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