Friday, October 31, 2008

Posted by Nielsen Family at 8:27 PM 4 comments
Pumpkin Carving
We carved our pumpkin this past Monday for FHE. I will start out by saying that Brad has not been a big fan of carving pumpkins. One year, we were probably only 2 years into our marriage, we carved pumpkins with his brother and sister-in-law. He got pretty frustrated with it and I think I ended up finishing it. Then last year, I wanted to carve a pumpkin and have Addison help. Well, Brad decided not to participate with that one. So, this year I wanted to carve a pumpkin again and have it be a FAMILY project, so that is why I did it for FHE. Brad was very motivated and stepped right in and started preping the pumpkin. After cutting the top off, he had Addison help scoop out the seeds which she didn't end up liking the fact that it got her hands dirty. After scooping out the pumpkin, Brad proceeded to poke the holes in the pumpkin for our pattern (we use the kit with the fancy patterns). Meanwhile, I stood back to watch and take pictures. Then comes the good part. Brad finishes making the pattern and starts to saw away. We choose the cat pattern for our pumpkin. Brad is getting pretty anxious to get this pumpkin finished, so he starts to get faster and faster at cutting. Then all of a sudden, he brakes the tail off. He gets a little up set, but keeps going. No longer then 3 minutes later, a leg brakes off. Brad is now finished cutting and the cat design is not finished. I had to step in and take over to try and salvage the tail-less, 3 legged cat design we carved in our pumpkin. I think that it is safe to say that pumpkin carving isn't Brad's favorite Halloween activity.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 8:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
My baby
Addison found the baby bottles yesterday when I was putting dishes away, and wanted to drink her juice out of one of them. I decided to let her, but regretted it when she woke up first thing this morning, she wanted the bottle again. I am sure it is a phase, and she will get over it quickly. The funny thing is, I could never get her to take a bottle when she was a baby. As soon as I decided to stop nursing her, she went straight to the sippy cup. Somehow she got the steps backward. What a funny girl!
Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Pumpkin Farm
So this past Thursday, Addison and I and our friends went to a pumpkin farm. It took about 40 minutes to get there, and was out in the sticks, but was a cute and fun farm. Addison was so excited to go, and loved every minute of it. The weather was a little chilly, but we were able to stay warm as long as we stayed in the sun.

The hay ride
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Flower princess
So back in September, our beautiful rose bush got a bug and started to die. I had to cut it back quite a bit. I thought for sure it was dead, but after a few rain storms and some nice weather it came back to life. So, we have a few roses again until the first frost comes along.
While Addison was playing outside the other day, she decided she wanted a rose in her hair. She thought that she was a princess and wanted me to take a picture of her.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Baby Girl!
Posted by Nielsen Family at 10:32 AM 6 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Also, I had my 26th birthday this past monday, and Addison loves getting her picture taken with the person whose birthday is being celebrated.

Aspen, Addison, and Pagelynn

Posted by Nielsen Family at 5:01 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Drive-thru Safari Park
This past weekend, Grandma Nielsen came to visit. It was a short visit, so we decided to do something fun while she was here. There is a drive-thru safari park about 45 minutes from us, so we decided to go. It was a fun day, and the weather was great. They has a few baby animals that you could pet, one of which was a baby tiger. Addison was not scared at all by any of the animals, and went right up to the tiger to pet it. I will have to say though, that I think the baby tiger was Brad's highlight of the day, we couldn't get him to walk away. They also had a petting zoo that had some goats and pigs that you could pet. Addison and mommy loved the goats. If we had a fenced in back yard, I would so get one of those for a pet!

Posted by Nielsen Family at 3:15 PM 6 comments
Feeding the dog
Addison has been very helpful lately, and her job is to help feed the dog. The other day she wanted some chips, and there was just come crumbs left so I gave her the bag. Well, I guess she thought that Winston wanted some too. She emptied the last of the chips on to Winston's eating mat. Winston loved her after that!
Posted by Nielsen Family at 3:04 PM 1 comments
Diaper cream- take 2
Addison, yet again, got into the diaper cream. This time she put it on Winston.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 2:59 PM 0 comments