Saturday, October 30, 2010
1st 5K race

Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:06 PM 8 comments
Halloween 2010

Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Pumpkin patch
For the past two years, we have gone to this great farm in Missouri for their fall festivities. They have a hayride (that is waaaaaaay to long), a cow train (which is one of the favorites), some really fun slides built into the hillside, a corn maze, and a pumpkin patch. We went on the 1st saturday in October, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect (well, the weather has been perfect for pretty much all of October).

Addison going down a slide.

The girls in the pumpkin patch

Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Catching up
Addison started her 2nd year of preschool back in September. She is a butterfly and has the same teacher. Her best friend is also in her class. It will be a sad, sad day if her best friend is not in her class next year in kintergarden.

A couple of weeks ago, Addison had her 1st field trip with her preschool class to the fire station. Reagan and I went along. One of the firemen put his fire proof coat and oxygen mask and hat on, so that the kids could see what he looked like, and that they wouldn't be afraid of him. Let's just say Addison wouldn't get within 10 feet of him. She was probably the only one that wouldn't take a picture with the fireman.
the preschool class beside the fire truck
Addison and her best friend
Reagan's favorite part of the fire station
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Lake Powell trip part 2

We had such a great time, and we wish it had lasted longer. We are so greatful to mom and dad Nielsen for making this trip possible, and even though they don't read my blog, thank you Knight family for being so generous!
Posted by Nielsen Family at 8:45 PM 2 comments
Lake Powell trip

The back of the houseboat had two jet skis, so we had plenty of toys to keep us occupied. The weather was perfect, low 90's with a few mild storms that blew in and cooled things off. We couldn't have had a better time! Addison loved going fast on the boat and jet skis and I even let her drive the jet ski with me. Reagan was a trooper and napped and slept well in the pack-and-play. She hated having the life vest on when we were in the boat, but pretty much fell asleep every time we went out on the boat. Both girls loved swimming in the water as well.

Addison driving the boat with Uncle Rob

Addison riding the jet ski with Uncle Mike

The cove that we were anchored at was called "Cookie Jar" because the rock formation looked like a cookie jar.

Addison standing in front of a rock formation
Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:40 PM 2 comments
Summer happenings & Addison's B-day
I know, it's been too long. I have alot of excuses, but I won't go there. A few things have happened since the last time that I posted. Not much happened in April. In May, Addison finished her 1st year of preschool.

Addison with her two best friends at preschool: Ruby and Gus
Also in May, I was fortunate enough to fly out to Idaho with the kids and celebrate my Grandpa's 80th birthday. It was very special because, my parents and all my siblings were able to go out too. We had a blast seeing cousins, and uncles and aunts that we hadn't seen in a long time. I am so bummed that I didn't get any pictures though. I did steal this picture from my sister's blog of my Grandpa (thanks Whitnie!). We love you Grandpa!
Not much happened in June, really, I only have maybe 3 pictures that I took all month!
July, has been busy. Last week, we celebrated Addison's 4th birthday. We were in Arizona visiting Brad's family, so she got to celebrate it there.
We also went on a family vacation up to Lake Powell in Page, Utah, but there are too many pictures, so I will put that tidbit on another post.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Reagan's 1st Birthday

Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam!
My baby is officially a Sunbeam. Addison's 1st day of primary was this past sunday, and she was so excited to be in her new class. It took her a long time to get used to nursery, but since she has been in preschool it definately helped her adjust to primary. She loves her teachers and they are great, so I am excited for her. Her favorite part about primary is singing.

Posted by Nielsen Family at 8:00 PM 1 comments
I thought that I would fill everyone in on Reagan. She is such a pleasant baby, and we have so far enjoyed having her in our family. She just turned 10 months and I am so sad at how the time has flown by so fast. Here are a few things that she is doing so far:
~At her 9 month appointment she weighed in at 18 lbs!
Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:41 PM 0 comments
While we were in Arizona for Christmas, we got snow....... in Arkansas. Yes, it snowed Christmas Eve, and we missed it. Well, we got home New Years Eve, and three days later it snowed again. It had snowed during the night, so when Addison got up that morning, she immediately wanted to go out and play in it. I convinced her that she needed to eat breakfast first, but by 9:00 am we were tired of hearing her ask us over and over, so we bundled her up. Brad was a good daddy and volunteered to go out with her. It didn't last more then 10 minutes and she was back in the house crying that her fingers were numb, and she didn't ask to go back out the rest of the day. We need to invest in some nice snow gloves for her, because her mittens just didn't stay dry long enough.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Christmas 2009
I know, I've been slacking. Christmas is over, and things are back to normal, so I feel like I have some time to blog.

Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:42 PM 0 comments