I know, I've been slacking. Christmas is over, and things are back to normal, so I feel like I have some time to blog.
We had a great Christmas this year. We spent it in sunny, warm Arizona with Brad's family. We ended up being sick for the 1st 3 days with the stomach flu. Thankfully it was just a 24 bug, so it didn't last long. It just hit is all on different days.
Addison loved Christmas last year, but loved it even more this year. She got the whole Santa thing last year, so we decided to teach her about the true meaning of Christmas this year, of Christ's birth and of giving. She even took her part of being Mary very seriously when we acted out the nativity.
Reagan could have cared less about what was going on during Christmas. She has been crawling, and fast I might add, so she is just busy getting into things that she isn't suppose to. The week after she started crawling, she started to pull herself up to things to stand, I know my life just got more complicated! She is a happy baby for the most part, except when she is teething which is now. She can be happy one minute and then get super cranky then next.

She did not like sitting on Santa's lap. She hated it so much that she started shaking before she even got to his lap.

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