I seem to only post about Addison, so I will change it up a bit and let you all know what is going on with Reagan. She is almost 7 months old, and is growing too quickly. When I say growing, I literally mean growning. At her 4 month appointment she was in the 60th % on her weight. Her height was only in the 30%, so she basically is short and square. We are behind on her doctor's visits, so when we go in for her 6 month visit, I will let you know on her stats then.
I have been feeding her rice cereal now for a few months. This picture is from when she first tried it, as you can tell by her face that it took her awhile to like it. She is now a pro at eating puree'd foods, and opens her mouth nice and wide way before I get the spoon to her lips.

No, she hasn't started crawling yet, thank goodness, and a predict that it won't be for awhile, because like her sister, she hates being on her stomach and doesn't even try to roll over on to her stomach. She will probably learn how to crawl from a sitting position, which brings me to my next subject....

Reagan is sitting up, yeah! It is so nice when the learn to sit up, because they are happy for longer periods of time as they play with their toys.
A few other things about Reagan, she loves her big sister and will only laugh at Addison. I can get her to laugh sometimes, but she really thinks Addison is the greatest! She is usually laidback and delightful, as long as she is napping well. She has finally gotten her 1st tooth, and working on a second, because heaven forbid my kids get 2 teeth at a time!
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