Last week we decided to transition Addison into her "Big Girl" princess bed. We were a little worried that it would be a hard transition, but she suprised us and did it without any problems. We had to talk up the "princess" bed, because at this stage everything containing the word princess gets her attention. She is so proud of her new room and her big girl bed that everytime she wakes up in the morning she yells out that she slept in her princess bed, and that she didn't fall out (she fell out the first night).
This past sunday, being the 1st sunday of the New Year, Addison got to go to her new nursery class. Our ward has two nurseries (a Jr. nursery and a Sr. nursery), because we have like 20 nursery aged kids, with more to join this year. Well, we were a little nervous with this change too, because it took her awhile to adjust to Jr. nursery and that they have 2 males teaching the Sr. nursery (Addison is very shy and timid around men). To our surprise she went without crying and stayed the entire time. She is definately growing up and it makes me sad to see my baby becoming a "Big Girl". We just have one more big obstacle to tackle, potty training, and she will officially be a "Big Girl", and not my baby anymore.
Oh, good luck with the potty training. I need to do that with Jarum too. I read potty training in a day with Taylor, of course it didn't work but it gave me some good ideas to get started. Just remember most of the time girls are easier, you can do it!
how cute her bed is, she is soooo grown up its sad..yet so fun to see how they are
That is adorable. Time flies doesn't it. How are you feeling? We hope you are doing well.
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