Wednesday, January 28, 2009
34 weeks and counting
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:32 PM 6 comments
Ice Storm
Once again we encountered an ice storm here in Arkansas. I think that every winter since we have been here there has been an ice storm. We were blessed and our power didn't go off this time.
We got about an inch to an inch and a half of ice and then about a half an inch of snow on top of the ice.
Addison was able to go out and play in the frozen snow with Brad. About all she could do with the snow was to make a snow angel.
We did decide, after the second day of being couped up in the house, to brave the roads so that we could run to Lowes. We thought that since Brad had the day off we could do some indoor house projects.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:12 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Snow Angels
When Addison wakes up in the morning, she likes to go to the back door with the dog and wait for me to let the dog out. Well yesterday morning, before I got to the back door, I hear Addison yell out, "Mom! Look, it's snowing!" I didn't know that it was suppose to snow, so I figured that maybe we had some frost on the ground. To my surprise, when I got to the door, it had snowed. It was only about an inch, but to a 2 year old, I am sure it looked like a lot. She immediately wanted to go outside and play in it. Me, being a big whimp when it comes to cold weather was not fond of the idea, especially at 7:00 a.m.. It was trash day, so I told her that when we were finished with breakfast, that we would bundle up, and that she could go outside and play while I took the trash out. While I was busy taking the trash out she insisted that she wanted to build a snowman. I told her that there wasn't near enough snow to build a snowman. Then she wanted to make snowballs, but the snow wouldn't form a snowball. The next thing I know she is laying down, on her back, in the driveway making a snow angel. I am pretty sure she got that idea from the Nick Jr. t.v. show, "Max & Ruby". Hopefully, we can get one more snow storm in before it starts to warm up, that will produce enough snow, so Addison can build her a snow man and make a snow angel.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 8:30 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Every week Addison and I try to attend the library story hour on Fridays. Addison loves to visit the library and check out new books. Her favorite series of children's books are the "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" series. We have read all of them. Well, they came out with a new titled "If you give a cat a cupcake". Well, after reading it, she decided she wanted to make cupcakes. The book talks about putting sprinkles on the cupcakes, so she insisted that they have "spritles" too! Thank goodness we had some friends over that night to help us eat some of them, because she asks me 2-3 times a day for a cupcake! Her best part of the cupcake is....the frosting. She just eats the top of the cupcake until the frosting is gone. Now she lets me know everyday that she wants princess cupcakes for her princess birthday party. Her birthday isn't until July, so I think I am going to hear about everyday for the next 6 months!
Posted by Nielsen Family at 5:58 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Big Girl

Posted by Nielsen Family at 2:18 PM 3 comments