Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Baking at Grandma's house

This past weekend we went to my mom and dad's house to visit. While we were there, my mom was brave enough to let Addison help her make cookies. Some of you may know that I can be quiet obsessive compulsive about things. Well one of things that I am obsessive about is the way I cook and bake. When I cook or bake, I have to measure things out exactly. I have to clean up as I go. I have to follow the directions to the T, and have certain ways I do things in my kitchen. Needless to say when Addison wants to help me, I have a hard time letting her, without taking over. Well, my mom is very care free in her kitchen. She had no problem letting Addison do whatever she wanted, down to measuring and stiring and cracking the eggs. In the end there was flour all over, the ingredients left out on the counter and too much baking soda in the cookie dough, but all in all Addison had a great time. I guess thats what Grandmas are there for, to let their grandkids do things that they don't get to do at home VERY often.


Hillary Sperry said...

hehe! Love it and I agree it can be way more stress than it's worth to let the kids help cook... I try occasionally but I have to be feeling very easy going at that moment! Cute pictures! Addison is adorable :)

Karla said...

That is so cute. I can't believe how big she is. She is so cute. How are you feeling? Do you have a date yet?

twhalliday said...

How cute is that