Last year was our first year at trying our hand in gardening. It started out well, and looked so pretty. Then, in June, it started to get really hot and we didn't water it as often as we should, so the corn dried out (or maybe we didn't pick it on time), the green beans didn't grown enough to can and the tomatoes did o.k..
This year we attempted it again. We decided to plant carrots, watermelon, and cucumbers (random, I know). The carrots didn't come up at all. I think I planted them too deep and too sparse. The watermelon and cucumbers did great. We had cucumbers comming out our ears for awhile and had so much that we gave quite a few away. Addison loved just having me peel the skin and she would eat an entire cucumber by herself. I also, made pickles out of most of them.

The watermelon too, did very well. Altogether we had/have about 10. All in all I would say this was a successful year for gardening. We will see what will come of next year.

we will gladly take any excess watermelon of your hands! The one you brought sunday was better than any that I have purchased from the store this year! Nice job!
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