Saturday, October 30, 2010
1st 5K race

Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:06 PM 8 comments
Halloween 2010

Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Pumpkin patch
For the past two years, we have gone to this great farm in Missouri for their fall festivities. They have a hayride (that is waaaaaaay to long), a cow train (which is one of the favorites), some really fun slides built into the hillside, a corn maze, and a pumpkin patch. We went on the 1st saturday in October, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect (well, the weather has been perfect for pretty much all of October).

Addison going down a slide.

The girls in the pumpkin patch

Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Catching up
Addison started her 2nd year of preschool back in September. She is a butterfly and has the same teacher. Her best friend is also in her class. It will be a sad, sad day if her best friend is not in her class next year in kintergarden.

A couple of weeks ago, Addison had her 1st field trip with her preschool class to the fire station. Reagan and I went along. One of the firemen put his fire proof coat and oxygen mask and hat on, so that the kids could see what he looked like, and that they wouldn't be afraid of him. Let's just say Addison wouldn't get within 10 feet of him. She was probably the only one that wouldn't take a picture with the fireman.
the preschool class beside the fire truck
Addison and her best friend
Reagan's favorite part of the fire station
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:06 PM 0 comments