Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:33 PM 3 comments
On Saturday, before we went trunk or treating, we had my sister Whitnie and her family come over for some Halloween festivities including carving our Jack-o-lanterns.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Addison's preschool had a Halloween party last week. It was fun to see Addison among her classmates. She talks about all the kids in her class by name, and so it was nice to have a face to go with the names. They went trick or treating to some stores in the area. It was raining that morning, but it stopped as soon as they started, so it turned out to be a nice day. I dressed Reagan up and she was mistaken for a boy about 90% of the time. I finally got tired of correcting everyone, so after awhile I just agreed that "he was a cute baby chick".
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:50 PM 0 comments