My brother and his wife had a baby girl, Hadley June White, about 2 1/2 weeks ago. We saw her at the hospital when she was born, but were only able to see her through the nursery window at that time. Addison and I decided to go visit them today. As you can see in the picture, Addison got to "hold" the baby, and insisted over and over to hold her. I was a little worried that she would get jealous when I was holding the baby, but she didn't! She handled it very well, and loved to touch and kiss on the baby. I hope that this is what she will be like when our baby is born, if so I will be very happy. 

Sorry about the picture, it wasn't sideways until it downloaded to blogger

Addison with her cousins, Aspen (26 months) and Kailey (4 years) in their sunglasses that they got with their Happy Meals