O.K., so I have a history of killing plants, as soon as they are in my possession. I don't mean to kill them, I am just not good with plants. Well, last year I found a great deal on rose bushes at Lowes, and so I got one to go in our front yard. After summer was over last year, I didn't know whether to let it go, or if I was suppose to do something with it to prepare it for the winter. So, I have heard of prunning, and I figured I might try that to the rose bush. Afterward, I for sure thought I had killed it, but I left it for the winter. Low and behold, this spring it started growing new branches and started sprouting leaves, and 2 weeks ago it started budding. I guess rose bushes are resilient, because not only has it lived, but it has florished. I am so proud of my little rose bush! It was such a confidence booster that I have decided to tackle a garden. So, wish me luck.