Addison is getting to the stage where playing with toys just doesn't entertain her anymore. She is constantly looking for something to get into. This morning while getting ready to go to church, she was happily going through the drawers in our bedroom. Then when she got bored of that, she went on the the bathroom where she proceeded to unroll the toilet paper. After I took that away, she found more toilet paper in the other bathroom. Since I was out of sight, she decided to unroll that toilet paper roll. Brad had used that toilet earlier this morning and forgot to put the lid down, shame on him. When I found Addison, she was piling the tiolet paper in the toilet. She had so much in there that the top of the pile wasn't in the water!! When she saw me she proceeded to grab the pile and start to pull it out, resulting in soggy toilet paper on the floor. What a curious stage she is in right now. I think of it as being naughty, but I am sure she is just exploring.