Winston had to go to the vet today, because he had some nasty sores in his ears. The result, a cone around his neck. We have had our laughs for today watching him mope around. He acts so ashamed.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
1st Birthday

We can't believe how times flies. We celebrated Addison's 1st birthday today!! She didn't quite get why mommy and daddy were making such a big fuss over her, but she enjoyed it. She got a Dora the Explorer ride-on, that I will already say is annoying with all the sounds it makes. She loved her cake, although she didn't get the hang of blowing out the candles. All in all she had a great day.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Arkansas Bunch
I am sure that everyone is dying to see pictures of us :) Addison experienced her first fireworks this month and was quite entertained by them. Also, she has become an expert at walking and is trying to climb onto and up everything. We will be celebrating her 1st birthday next week; my how times flys.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Welcome all
With blogging on the rise, we thought that we should join the trend. With families scattered, and we don't get very many chances to see each other, it's a perfect way to keep everyone updated. Lets have fun with it, and we are excited to see pictures and hear how everyone is doing.
Posted by Nielsen Family at 3:27 PM 2 comments
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